Water proofing treatment
Providing & laying Indian type water proofing treatment with 15 cm radius vata on terrace (a) applying neat cement slurry 2.75 kg/sqmt of cement admixed with water proofing compound after cleaning the surface (b) laying 50 mm thick (average) cement concrete 1:3:6 using brick bats 25 to 40 mm size admixed with water proofing compound including rounding of junction of walls and slabs (c) after two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry (d) finishing the surface with 20 mm thick C.M. 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and good quality of china mosaic tiling & finally finishing the surface with trowel with white cement slurry (e) after finishing the whole terrace shall be flooded with water for a period of two weeks and final acid wash and laid to proper slope.
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1.1 Water shall not be salty brackish and shall be clean, reasonably clear and free objectionable quantities of silt and traces of oil injurious alkalis salts organic matter and other deleterious material which will either weaken the mortar of concrete or cause efflorescence or attack the steel in R.C.C. container for transport storage and huddling of water shall be clean. Water shall confirm to the Standard Specification in I.S. 455 - 1978.
1.2 If required by the Engineer in charge, it shall be tested by comparison with distilled water compression shall be made by means of standard cement tests for soundness, time of setting and mortar strength as specified in I.S. 269 - 1976. Any indication of unsoundness charge in time of setting by 50 minutes or more or decrease of more than 10 percent strength of mortar prepared with distilled water sample when compared with the result obtained with mortar prepared with distilled water shall be sufficient cause for rejection of water under test.
1.3 Water for curing, mortar concrete or masonry should not be too acidic/too alkaline.
1.4 It shall be free of elements which significantly affect the hydration reaction or otherwise interface with the hardening of mortar or concrete during curing or those which produce objectionable stains or other unsightly deposits on concrete or mortar surfaces.
1.5 Hard and bitter water shall not be used for curing.
1.6 Potable water will generally found suitable for curing mortar or concrete.
2.1 Cement shall be ordinary Portland slag cement as per I.S. 1624 - 1974 or Portland slag cement as per I.S.455-1976.
2.2 Cement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly and dry and water tight sheds. Wherever bulk storage containers are used, there capacity should be sufficient to cater to the requirements at site and should be cleaned at least once every 3 to 4 months. The aggregate shall be stored in such a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials. Different size of fine or coarse aggregate shall be stored in separate stock piles sufficiently away from the each other to prevent inter mixing the materials.
3.0 SAND
3.1 Sand shall be natural sand, clean, well graded, hared, strong, durable and gritty particular free from immures amounts of dust, clay, kankar, modules, soft or flaky particles shall alkali salts, organic matter, learn mica or other deleterious substance and shall be got approved from the Engineer in charge. The sand shall not contain more than 8 percent of slit as determined by field test if necessary, the sand COARSE SAND - The fineness modules of coarse sand shall not be less than 2.5 and shall not exceed 3.0.
3.2 FINE SAND : The fineness modules shall not exceed 1.0
3.3 Materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material which has deterioration or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by the Engineer in charge shall not be used in the work.
Water proofing compound shall be of approved quality and make as approved by Engineer in charge.
Brick bat aggregates shall be broken from well burnt or slightly over burnt and dense bricks it shall be homogeneous in texture roughly cubical in shape clean and free from dirt or any other foreign material brick bats shall be of 25 to 40 mm nominal size unless otherwise specified in the item the under burnt or over burnt bricks bats shall not be used.
China mosaic tiles pieces shall be of 50 mm to 90 mm nominal size, tiles pieces shall be made from hard and good quality of tiles.
White cement shall be of approved make it shall confirm definition of I.S. 8042-E-1978 the sample of white cement shall be approved by Engineer in charge.
A - First of all surface of the entire terrace shall be cleaned by thoroughly brooming and then by wire brushes. All the loose material, dust and debries shall be removed thoroughly from the entire surface of the terrace.
All joints and cracks shall be racked off and cut in trench which shall be filled by neat cement slurry admixed with water proofing compound. The joints with parapet shall be racked up to 30 cm height and shall be applied by neat cement slurry admixed with water proofing compound.
Neat cement slurry shall be prepared and a water proofing compound of approved make shall be mixed with the slurry in proportion specified by the manufacturer of the compound and shall be laid through out the surface of the terrace by the use of brushes mala etc. Cement slurry shall be prepared by adding adequate quantity of water so as to spread it uniformly on the surface.
B - Cement concrete 1:3:6 (Using 50% of cement mortar 1:3, 1 part of cement and 3 part of coarse sand by volume admixed with water proofing compound of approved make in specified proportion) of specified thickness shall be laid (Specification of C.C. 1:3:6 shall be followed for the execution of this layer) all over the surface of the terrace in true level and required slope including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs.
C - After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry on entire surface of the terrace.
D - The entire surface shall be finished with 20 mm thick C.M. 1:3 and China mosaic tilling in true level and slope as directed by Engineer in charge and finally finishing the surface with trowel with white cement slurry (Specification of white glazed tiles flooring shall be followed for the execution of this item).
E - Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick C.M. 1:3 and China mosaic tilling and finally finishing the surface with trowel with white cement slurry.
F - After two days proper curing the terrace shall be flooded for 15 days.
7.1 The unit rate of flooring shall include the cost of all materials, tools and plant required for mixing, laying of base layer in true level and slope as required applying and placing broken pieces of china mosaic tile in position, compacting, finishing, curing, providing treatment of 30 cm high allover the length of parapets and corners and sill of doors etc. and all other incidental expenses for producing flooring work to complete the structure of its components as shown on the drawings and according to these specifications. They shall also include the cost of making, fixing of all scaffolding and forms required for the work.
The rate of plastering shall include the cost of all labour, materials, tools and plants, scaffolding and all incidental expenses as described herein above.
7.2 The plaster work shall be measured for its length and width, limiting dimensions to those specified on plan or as directed. The rate shall be for a unit of one Square Meter.
7.4 A guarantee bond on appropriately stamped paper shall be given by the contractor to the Department in the manner and form prescribed below.
7.5 The payment will be made on Square Meter basis of the finished work.
Contractor I / We _________________ here by guarantee that work will remain unaffected an will not be in anyway damaged by water rain and will not leak from surface for a period for 5 years after completion of the work of water proofing treatment as per the terms and conditions of the contract and damage that might be caused on account of water rain and or other similar type of dampness of leakage from walls or above floor.
The guarantee shall remain in force for the period of 5 years from the completion of the work under the contract and lit shall remain binding to the contractor for period of 5 years.
The deposit at the rate of 20% of the cost of this item from the running and final bills shall be recovered and remained for the first one year after completion of the work or at least on monsoon season passed which ever is later and 10% shall be retained for the balance of the guarantee period land shall be returned only after completion of the guarantee period.
The length and breadth shall be measured correct to cm. as per the dimension of the sanctioned plants. No deduction shall be made not extra for paid for any opening for pipes etc. upto 0.1 sq.mt. The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials required for the operation involved. For satisfactory completion.
Civil Engineering