Calculation of Trimix Road | Trimix Road Cost | Cost of Trimix Road | Estimate of Trimix Road | Trimix Road per Sq.Ft Cost | Trimix Road per Sq.Mt Cost | Section of Trimix Road

Calculation of Trimix Road | Trimix Road Cost | Cost of Trimix Road | Estimate of Trimix Road | Trimix Road per Sq.Ft Cost | Trimix Road per Sq.Mt Cost | Section of Trimix Road

Basic Calculation of Trimix Road, Detailed Estimate for Road, Road Estimate, Trimix Road Section.

Name of work: Construction of Trimix Road (10 Mtr. L X 6 Mtr. B )


Sr. No. Detailed of Estimate Amount in Rs.
A Sub Estimate No. 1 (Trimix Road) 1,94,240.00
B Sub Total 1 1,94,240.00
C Add 1% Material Testing & Q.C. 1,942.40
D Add 1% Labour Cess 1,94.40
E Sub Total 2
F Add 18% G.S.T (9% CGST & 9% SGST) 35,662.46
G Grand Total Amount in Rs.2,33,787.26
H Area in (10 Mtr. L X 6 Mtr. B ) 60
I Rate Per 3,237.33
J Rate Per Sq.ft 300.00

Abstract Sheet

It. No. Description of Item
Rate Amount
A Trimix Road
No. 1
Box Excavation
160 7,680
No. 2
Earth work in embankment
500 6,000
No. 3
Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material 
1500 13,500
No. 4
Stone aggregate to wet mix macadam
1800 16,200
No. 5
Plain Cement Concrete M-15 grade ( 1:2:4)
4500 31,500
No. 6
Design mix cement concrete of M-30 grade
7000 91,000
No. 7
HYSD Fe-500 reinforcement
70 16,600
No. 8
Embankment with approved dredged sand
900 11,700
A Total Amount in Rs.


Item No. 1 :

  • Site grading of the ground and box excavation for roads/parking necessary area for level matching & cutting in all types of soil to the required  levels for the development of the plot and roadwork inclusive of shoring dewatering where required (until sub-base & soling work is complete) carting, and disposing off the materials wilthin the Owners premises.The item inclusive of carting , filling in low level areas, spreading  , Rolling , compacting /consolidating in layers within the all lead. The filling to be done in layers not exceeding 230mm thick to 90% proctor density with vibromax equip./ 10 ton rollers Note :- Payment shall be made out on actual volume of earth excavated based on contour survey of site before and after complete as per drawing and instruction of EIC. 
  • 10 Meter Length X 6 Meter Width X 0.800 Meter Depth = 48.00

Item No. 2

  • Providing earth work in embankment by mechanical means with approved material from private land, including all leads & lifts laying in layers of 500 mm thickness, breaking clods, dressing to the required lines, curves, grades, camber, watering and compaction to 97% of standard proctor density with vibratory roller having roller 80-100 KN static weight including all material, labour, machinery with all leads and lifts etc.complete. including complete as per drawing and instruction of EIC. work complete as per drawing and instruction of EIC. 
  • 10 Meter Length X 6 Meter Width X 0.200 Meter Depth = 12.00

Item No. 3

  • Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material :(Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete for Grade - III Material. work complete as per drawing and instruction of EIC. 
  • 10 Meter Length X 6 Meter Width X 0.150 Meter Depth = 9.00

Item No. 4

  • Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers in sub base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density as per MoRTH clause complete as per drawing and instruction of EIC. 
  • 10 Meter Length X 6 Meter Width X 0.150 Meter Depth = 9.00

Item No. 5

  • Providing and laying in positions machine mixed Plain Cement Concrete M-15 grade ( 1:2:4) for leveling course below foundation or below Trimix CC Road , etc. at other places as directed by Engineer-charge with graded broken stone aggregate from 6 mm to 40 mm including tamping, vibrating, leveling and curing complete with all form work, de-watering wherever required including all materials, labours, plants, machineries & tools, all leads and lifts, etc. complete as per specification.
  • 10 Meter Length X 6 Meter Width X 0.100 Meter Depth = 7.00

Item No. 6

  • Providing and laying design mix cement concrete of M-30 grade, in Trimix Roads using cement content as per design mix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 40mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, Providing dowels bars with sleeve , tie bars wherever required, laying at site, spreading and compacting mechanically by using needle and surface vibrators , Floater, leveling to required slope/camber, finishing ,finishing with required texture , including steel form work with sturdy M.S. channel sections, curing, making provision for contraction/expansion, construction & longitudinal joints by groove cutting machine, providing and filling joints with approved joint filler , board ,  and sealants, complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and IRC SP-62:2014.The rate is inclusive of curing and covering with moist hessian and pounding and sprinkling of water by making vatta with CM (1:6) proportion & cover the surface area in 1.0 x 1.0 square for a minimum period of 14 days.
  • The rate is inclusive of finishing of Trimix Road top surface to the desired surface texture.The rate is inclusive of Sawing / Forming the groove of required size as per drawing.
  • 10 Meter Length X 6 Meter Width X 0.200 Meter Depth = 12.00

Item No. 7

  • Providing & Supplying & fixing  in position HYSD Fe-500 reinforcement confirming to IS , TOR steel / Reinforcement bars confirming to IS – 1786    for RCC construction including transporting (i.e. loading & unloading) the steel from store/issue points to site of works including unloading from Trucks/Trailers, cleaning, de-coiling, cutting, bending to required shape and lengths as per detailed drawing, binding with 20  SWG black soft annealed binding wire, placing with proper cover block, support chairs, overlap, spacers, Re-baring if required  etc. complete in all respect , up to any level   as directed by Engineer IN charge for WHOLE STRUCTURE.  work completed as per the  instruction of EIC.
  • 8 mm Bars, C/c 200 mm, Long and short side
  • 10/0.200 = 50 Nos of bars
  • 50 Nos X 6.0 Meter Length X 0.395 KG (KG/Rmt of 8 mm Bars) = 118.50 KG
  • 6/0.200 = 30 Nos of bars
  • 30 Nos X 10.0 Meter Length X 0.395 KG (KG/Rmt of 8 mm Bars) = 118.50 KG

Item No. 8

  • Construction of embankment with approved dredged sand with all leads and lifts all complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications.
  • 10 Meter Length X 6 Meter Width X 0.200 Meter Depth = 13.00 (1 Extra for void filling)

Cross Section:

For, Jigar DarBar

  • The mechanical vibrator shall be installed on channel and it shall be run in forwarded direction of concrete placing. The vibrator shall be start and shall be use as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge.
  • The water shall be suck by de-waterization equipment by spreading vaccum sheet on concrete after sufficient vibrator the floating water shall be sufficiently suck from concrete so that the sufficient strength of concrete shall be achieved.
  • The mechanical trowel shall be start after de-watering from concrete. The trowel shall be run in such a way that the required finish top surface of concrete shall be achieved mat finish or glossy finish.
  • Immediately after compaction, concrete shall. be protected against harmful effects of weather, including rain, running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid temperature charges, frost and driving out process shall be covered with wet jute bags or the similar absorbent material approved by the Engineer-in-charge soon after the initial set, and shall be kept continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date of placement. Masonry work over the foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours of its laying but the curing of concrete shall be continued for a minimum period of 14 days.
  • After the final set, the concrete shall be kept continuously wet if required by pounding for a period of not less then 7 days form the date of placement. Hard and bitter water shall not be used for curing

Mode of Measurement & Payment
  • The payment will be made on Sq.m. basis of the finished work.
  • In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The slab shall be measured as running continuously through and the beam as the portion below the slab.
  • All necessary labour, materials Equipment, etc for sampling, preparing test cubes, curing etc. shall be provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete may be arranged by the Engineer in charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of the contractor
  • The unit rate concrete shall include the cost of all materials, tools and plant required for mixing, placing in position, compacting, and cost water reducing concrete and mixture at 100 ml per bag of cement and making channel 75 mm x 75 mm required to level and slope and thickness of the concrete road leveling of placed concrete with surface vibrator and finishing with power floater and trowel light booming the surface and cutting Expansions joints by machine as directed by the Engineer in charge and finishing as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge, curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to complete the structure or its components as shown on the drawings and according to these specifications. They shall also include the cost of making, fixing and removing of all centering and forms required for the work.
  • The concrete shall be measured for its length breadth limiting dimensions to those specified on plan or as directed.
  • The rate shall be for a unit of one or Sq.ft

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