Dry Distemper Paint

Dry Distemper Paint

Distempering with dry distemper of approved brand and manufacture (Two coats) and of required shade on wall surfaces of given an even shade, over and including a priming coat of whiting after thoroughly brushing the surface clean of all grease, dirt, loose pieces of scales including preparing the surface even and sand papered smooth.

1.0. Materials

1.1. The dry distemper and primer shall be of approved brand and manufacture. The dry distemper shall be of required colour and shade and the same shall conform to I.S. 427-1965. Writing shall conform to I.S. 63-1964.

2.0. Workmanship

2.1. Scaffolding : Where scaffolding is required it shall be erected in such a way that as far as possible no part of scaffolding shall rest against the surface to be distempered. A properly secured strong and well tied suspended platform (Joolas) may be used for distempering. Where ladders are used-pieces of old gunny bags shall be tied at top and bottom to prevent scratches to the walls and floors. \For distempering to ceiling, proper stage scaffolding shall be erected where necessary.

2.2. Preparation of Surface.

2.2.1. The undecorated surface to be distempered shall be thoroughly brushed free from dust, dirt, grease, mortar, droppings and other foreign matter and sand papered smooth. New plaster surface shall be allowed to dry at least 2 months before application of distemper.

2.2.2. All unnecessary nails shall be removed. Pitting in plaster shall be made good with plaster of Paris mixed with dry distemper of the colour to be used. The surface shall then be rubbed down again with a fine grades and paper and made smooth. The surface affected by moulds, moss, fang, algae lichens, efflorescence etc. shall be treated in accordance with I.S. 2395 (Part-l) 1966 before applying distemper. Any unevenness shall be made good by applying putty made of plaster of Paris mixed with water on entire surface including filling up the undulations and then sand papering the same after it is dry.

2.3. Priming coat :

2.3.1. A priming coat of whiting shall be applied as per item No. 18.11 over the prepared surface in case of new work on un-decorated surface. No coat of white washing with lime shall be used as a priming coat for distemper.

2.3.2. Application of plaster shall be done as under:

The primer shall be applied with a brush on the clean dry and smooth surface. Horizontal strokes shall be given first and vertical stokes shall be applied immediately afterwards. This entire operation will constitute one coat. The surface shall be finished as uniformly as possible leaving no brush marks. It shall be allowed to one coat. The surface shall be finished as uniformly as possible leaving no brush marks. It shall be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours before oil bound distemper or paint is applied.

2.3.3. Distemper is not recommended to be applied within six months of the completion of wall plaster.

2.4. Proportion of Distemper

The distemper shall be diluted with water or any other prescribed thinner in a manner recommended by the manufacturers only. Sufficient quantity of distemper required for one day's work shall be prepared.

2.5. Application of Distemper coat 

2.5.1. For undecorated surfaces after the primer coat is dried for at least 48 hours, the surfaces shall be lightly sand papered to make them smooth for receiving the distemper, taking care not to rub out the priming coat. All loose particles shall be dusted off after rubbing. Minimum two coats of distemper shall be applied with brushes in horizontal strokes followed immediately by vertical strokes which together shall constitute one coat. The subsequent coats shall be applied after a time interval strokes which together shall constitute one coat. The subsequent coats shall be applied after a time interval of at least 24 hours between consecutive coals to permit proper drying of the proceeding coat. The finished surface shall be even and uniform without patches, brush marks, distemper drops etc.

2.5.2. Sufficient quantity of distemper shall be mixed to finish on room at a time. The application of a coat in each room snail be finished in one operation and no work shall be started in any room which cannot be completed, on the same day.

2.5.3. 15 cm. double bristle distemper brush shall be used. After the day's work, brushes shall be thoroughly washed in hot water with soap solution and hang down to dry. Old brushes which are dirty and caked with distemper shall not be used on the work.

2.6. Protective Measures

The surfaces of doors, windows, floors, articles of furniture etc. and such other parts of the building as are not to be distempered shall be a plashed form being splashed upon. Such surfaces shall be cleaned of distemper a plashes if any.

3.0. Mode of measurements and payment

3.1. Pruning coal of distemper primer, scraping of surface spoiled by smoke soot, removal of oil and grease spots, treatment for infraction of effloresces, mould moss, fungi, algae and lichens and patch repairs to plaster shall be included in this item for which nothing extra shall be paid.

3.2. AH the work shall be measured net in the decimal system as in places subject to the following limits unless otherwise stated hereinafter:

(a) Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 m.

(b) Area in individual items shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 sq. m. All work shall be measured in sq. meter. No deductions shall be made for ends of joints, beams, posts, etc. of these openings nor for finish around the ends of joints, beams, posts etc.

3.3. Deductions of openings exceeding 0.5 sq.m. but not exceeding 3 sq. m. each shall be made as follows and no addition shall be made for reveal, jambs, soffits etc. of these openings:

(a) When both the faces of wails are provided with the same finish decutions shall be made for one face only.

(b) Wren each face of wail is provided with different finish, deduction shall be made for that of frame for door, windows etc. on which width of reveal is less than that of the other side but no deductions shall be made on the other side. Where the width of reveals on the both the faces of wall are equal, deduction of 50% of area of opening on each face shall be made from area of finish.

(c) When only one face of wall is treated and the other face is not treated, full deductions shall be made if the width of the reveal on treated side is less than that on untreated side but if the width of the reveals is equal or more than that of untreated side neither deductions nor additions to be made for reveals, jambs, sills and soffits shall be measured

3.4. In case of openings of area exceeding 3 sq.m. each, deduction shall be made for openings, but jambs, sills and soffits shall be measured.

3.5. No deductions shall be made for attachments such as casing, conduits, pipes, electric wiring and the like.

3.6. Item includes removing nails, making good holes, cracks, patches with materials similar in composition to the distemper.

3.7. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding, protective measures etc. involved in all the operations described above This shall also include conveyance, delivery, bundling, unloading storing etc.

3.8. The rate shall be for a unit of One sq. meter.

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